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I cried when I saw the necklace and earings from your husband! What a thoughtful man! I had my first egg retrieval yesterday and just got the call that I have 8 fertilized embryos! Transfer later this week!


Injections are funny that way. Many couples find then quite empowering - for the first time in a long while of TTC you have something that is within your control. Incidentally, my LMP was this very day one year ago. Let's hope you have a little Christmas/ new years miracle in the works with this cycle.

Arpita of Up, Down & Natural

Jena, thank you!! I was floored by his sweetness and the sentiment. Something I'll treasure for a long time! HUGE HUGE HUGE Congrats on 8 little embies!! I will be thinking of you and sending you LOTS of sticky dust for your transfer!! <3

Arpita of Up, Down & Natural

Aww, Silver, that's incredible!! :) Yes, here's hoping for a little Holiday Bundle!! Thank you for the sweet words!

martha mcdougall

love love love this post - your husband sounds amazing - you guys are lucky to have each other.

Arpita of Up, Down & Natural

Thanks Martha!! It's funny, I really did brace myself for the worst with the IVF but it really hasn't been half bad!! And yes, my honey is a real sweetie!! I am super lucky to have him!! <3


Beautiful birthday gift. I have been thinking about you lots during this process of yours. If you need anything please msg or call me and I can be there in a jiff.

Arpita of Up, Down & Natural

Thank you so much Melodie, it means so much to me!! You're such a sweetheart!! If I need anything, I'll let you know for sure.


Just stumbled on this and you have given me hope that I will be Pupo soon. :). We have gone through 17 failed cycles on our own and with IUI and start our IVF process this week with our consult. I know we still have a long journey but I am so excited at the possibilities!

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