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Good for you. It's important to keep some things close. I'm sure people will respect that. We had an inner circle of supportive people that we let in on the finer details. Everyone else had to wait. It's a fine line to walk, but worth it. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. You are right, it's much like flipping a coin or rolling a dice, sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. IVF can be more like a marathon than a sprint, so it's good you are holding on to you hats and pacing yourselves.

Lauren @ Hobo Mama

That makes total sense to me. Some moments, good or bad, you just need to hold close. Wishing for the best for you, and patience and gentleness from those who care for you.


So glad you put this out there so plainly in advance. It's very hard to have any sort of peace with life if you feel you are constantly re-living all of the ups and downs as you answer questions, even from loved ones.
Praying for you to have strength and sanity through all of this.

Happy AP Mom

Totally get it as well. Hope you have good news to share soon! :)


I think that it is perfectly acceptable to be open about your struggles with conception and to keep a pregnancy close to your chest until you feel comfortable. My husband and I waited until I was about 20 wks before telling anyone outside of our immediate family.

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