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I get everything your saying. We have had unprotected sex for 18 years. I was almost 21 when I met my husband. We started IVF last year and got through 3 cycles. 1 failed 2 success but failed at 6 and 9 weeks. No it sucks and no I'm not excited and giddy anymore. I'm terrified of failure and loss again. I'm laying here flat on my back because today was the transfer of 3 embryos. Just like last time they are perfect. Yet I'm still not a mom. All I can say is try to be in the moment. Happy sad optomistic or angry. Every emotion is good

Arpita of Up, Down & Natural

Alison, first off I am so SO sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what it must be like to go through the roller coaster of IVF and then have it turn in to a loss. Having suffering losses from natural pregnancies I can only imagine it's 1000 times worse following an IVF and my heart breaks for you. I am sending you ever ounce of energy that I can possibly muster to help those 3 little embies stick tight to their mama!! I'm pulling for them, and for you!

And yes, I agree, letting yourself experience every emotion is the key. Love and hugs mama.... and truck loads of sticky baby dust!


Yes, it IS brutal, and it WILL be worth it when you're cuddling your baby at 2am. I can completely sympathize with what you're going through, as I went through it too. It sucks. I *was* excited before the first cycle started, but in the middle of it, and the two after that one, it sucked. Injections, patches, suppositories, waiting....yeah. Not so fun. Sleep deprivation actually is a much better deal.

I am sending you hope and love. And Dramamine.


It is scary as heck, and excitement is not exactly the emotion to describe it. I think we push that excitement of the possibilty of a pregnancy away as a self protective mechanism. Honestly, coping with a crying baby is child's play compared with rolling the IVF dice. I truly believe infertility changes parenting for the better. Every little moment is so precious and appreciated. You will be a great mom when you get there in whatever way it happens.


Hi... here from Cyclesistas :) This is certainly a roller-coaster... but hopefully worth the journey. I'm so sorry that you've had a tough week... thinking of you and FXd as you start your cycle. I'll be 'cycling' with you... but have a private blog and happy for fellow IF bloggers to join. My updater blog (to get links to posts) is newyearmum2.blogspot.com... and if you email me on [email protected], I can send you an access link. Here on the roller coaster with you xoxo

Happy AP Mom

10 IVF's and one adoption later we are the proud and happy parents of our perfect little girl! It was pure unbelievable hell getting here....but oh so worth it! Hold on, keep your eyes on the prize! Good luck!

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